The Reminiscence Systems Workshop (RSW-2009) at HCI-2009 seeks to explore the broad technical and social challenges involved in research solutions in the areas of systems that support reminiscing for older people. The focus of the 1-day workshop on 5 September 2009 is on interface technologies and information & communication technologies that promote reminiscing, exploring the types of interfaces and systems that are likely to evolve from current computing approaches as well as from disruptive technologies.
Sounded interested, plausible and well researched and possibly with creative use of tables etc via BBC Start the Week
Anthropology explains all…"Financial journalist Gillian Tett explains how she predicted the economic downtown from her background in social anthropology. Fool's Gold: How Unrestrained Greed Corrupted a Dream, Shattered Global Markets and Unleashed a Catastrophe is published by Little, Brown."
Olivia Harris, who has died suddenly of cancer aged 60, was professor of anthropology at the London School of Economics and one of the finest anthropologists in Europe. A specialist in highland Bolivia, she published studies on gender, kinship, feminist theory, law, work, money, death and, most recently, time.
This symposium will promote discussion on ageing with particular attention to what embodiment means and entails in the context of older age. While social gerontology is an established and productive field of research, less prominent has been the careful sociological and anthropological attention paid to the experience of ageing, embodiment, and subjectivity.
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