Five 30 minute recipes from Gary Rhodes
Amazon.co.uk: This Is Your Brain on Music: Understanding a Human Obsession: Books: Daniel J. LevitinA book on why most people like music and its relationship with the brain
Book review of Dora Damage – tragically Bee died not long after submitting the final manuscript
Sadly, as well as being her first book, this is Belinda Starling’s last. She died unexpectedly, shortly after finishing it. Her family’s loss will be felt by a generation of readers, too.
He shows that music is not simply about sound, but also movement, visualization, and silence. He follows the experiences of patients suddenly drawn to or suddenly divorced from music. And in so doing he shows, as only he can, both the extraordinary spectr
Nora is Miss November in the calendar, which is supporting Ancaster Athletic “I am always game for anything, especially if it’s for charity. I did enjoy it, though I don’t suppose I will do it again.”
From a Samsung sponsored thing on innovation: “For every 100 people I hire to be persuasive, I hire four or five spreadsheet jockeys to tell the death or glory story the way the finance director hears it”