Chumby is a $180 Internet-widget device that uses Wi-Fi to grab Flash video, RSS feeds, Net audio, and other mini apps. In other words, it's a clock radio for the Twitterati. By sheer force of personality, Chumby gets you to stick around long enough to discover its virtues.
Paper by Paul Dourish: This paper suggests that the representational stance implied by conventional interpretations of âcontextâ misinterprets the role of context in everyday human activity, and proposes an alternative model that suggests different directions for design.
I wish they'd called her Lucy, as in Australopithicus afarensis Lucy, that would have had a certain poetry to it..
Ray Ozzie, Bill Gatesâs successor as chief software architect…. never personally gives the green light to a new software project, he says, until the developers have written down, on a single sheet of paper, exactly what benefits this new product is meant to bring to customers.