The Audience has an Audience
Interesting video by Kevin Slavin and Kenyatta Cheese
Last weekend’s FT piece about ‘ideas conferences’ by James Crabtree in the FT, reminded me of a post I wrote over 7 years ago on Indian tea shops, the internet […]
"It is what the internet lures out of us – hubris, daydreams, avarice, obsessions – that makes it so potent and so volatile. TV's power is serenely impervious; it does […]
Photo Cred I was reminded this morning of a paper from EPIC 2008 – the conference theme was visibility – on twitter and jaiku use, largely amongst self-employed consultant types. […]
I think I was, until today, the only person in the world (apart from my Mum, Dad and good wife) not to use Twitter but I'm curious in many respects […]
This passage capturely wonderfully the networked media infused and supported parallel lives we (some) people live: "…consider that each medium represents a slightly different slice of the people I know and […]
A rather brilliant commentary on the ecology of media and technology, via Memex 1.1
The Mass Observation project/movement lives on (new website too). I'm particularly intrerested in the latest directive – call to observers to write in on a specific issue (want to become one?) - which […]
Recently unearthed during what amounted to an archeological dig in the boot of a car we imported into Ireland was a stash of old tapes. I couldn’t help but reflect […]
I guess designer Nicholas Felton’s personal annual report will read better than that of, er, Northern Rock.